
  Hukou System: The Practical Significance and Impact of a Shanghai Hukou"


Hello, everyone, and welcome to today’s discussion. In this video, we will delve into China's Hukou system, focusing specifically on the practical significance and impact of having a Shanghai Hukou in modern life.

Background Introduction: First, let's take a look back at the history of the Hukou system. This system has a long history in China, with similar population registration systems existing even in ancient times. However, the modern Hukou system as we know it was established in the late 1950s, following the establishment of the People's Republic of China and the socialist economic system. In 1958, the Chinese government officially implemented the Hukou system, dividing the population into agricultural (rural) and non-agricultural (urban) households, aimed at effectively managing population movement, particularly controlling rural to urban migration.

Government's Purpose: The implementation of this system was intended to control the speed of urbanization, ensure the rational distribution of agricultural and industrial labor forces, and maintain social order and stability.

Impact on Rural and Urban Populations: This system has had significant impacts on both rural and urban populations. Rural populations have difficulty obtaining urban Hukou, limiting their ability to move to and work in cities and putting them at a disadvantage in accessing education, medical care, and employment opportunities. On the other hand, urban Hukou holders enjoy better public services and social welfare.

The Hukou system does not only differentiate between urban and rural Hukou; there is also a significant difference between Hukous from different cities.

Now, let's examine the specific impacts of different Hukou statuses in Shanghai.

Child Education: In Shanghai, schools do not restrict or require specific qualifications for children with a Shanghai Hukou. Children with non-local Hukou need their parents to hold a long-term residence permit, and continuous social security payments are required.

Compulsory Education Stage: Public schools enroll students based on priority, with Hukou being the most important factor. Most parents want their children to attend good public schools, and having a Shanghai Hukou significantly increases the chances of successful enrollment.

Middle School Entrance Exam (Zhongkao): To take the Zhongkao in Shanghai without a Shanghai Hukou, one must accumulate 120 residence permit points for their children to enter high school in Shanghai.

College Entrance Exam (Gaokao): Only students who have taken the Zhongkao in Shanghai can take the Gaokao there.

Housing Eligibility: For workers with a Shanghai Hukou, singles can buy one property, and married couples can buy two. Non-local Hukou holders must pay social security for five years to be eligible to buy property, with restrictions on singles and married couples limited to one property. Besides buying property, those with a Shanghai Hukou can also apply for economically affordable housing, a privilege not available to non-local Hukou holders.

Medical Resources: Shanghai Hukou holders can enjoy regular medical insurance and local medical insurance with partial reimbursement. However, non-local Hukou holders without a social security card have to pay full medical expenses. Shanghai Hukou holders can handle their social security, and children can apply for child medical insurance, while non-local Hukou holders can only handle social security through their company, and children must be enrolled in kindergarten or school to handle child medical insurance in Shanghai.

Employment: Most state-owned enterprises, government institutions, and foreign companies in Shanghai prefer to hire candidates with a Shanghai Hukou, especially for high-level or well-paid positions. Having a Shanghai Hukou implies stability for the candidate, helping companies mitigate certain risks.

Other Benefits:

  1. License Plate Auction: Shanghai Hukou holders are eligible to bid for Shanghai license plates.
  2. Elderly Care: The Shanghai elderly care system is well-developed, but nursing homes prioritize families with Shanghai Hukou.
  3. Administrative Procedures: Even with a residence permit, the processing time for certain procedures is much longer for non-local Hukou holders, far less convenient than for those with a Shanghai Hukou.

Conclusion: Moreover, the importance of a Shanghai Hukou is also evident in eliminating uncertainties such as policy changes. As policies change with the environment, and with the increasing influx of non-local populations into Shanghai, there might be future increases in living thresholds for non-local people, prioritizing the livelihood and work of locals. Having a Shanghai Hukou eliminates this uncertainty.



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记得很久以前,不知道是在跟谁发感慨,久到好像是上大学时候的事了。我说,我流过很多眼泪,看电影流眼泪,看小说流眼泪,听别人的故事留言了,听歌的时候流眼泪,晚上一个人的时候独自流眼泪。我似乎是一个是一个太不像男人的男人。可是我又说,这些眼泪都是为自己流的。于是我也问对面那个人,(嗯,我也记不起她是谁了): "你为别人流过眼泪么?",居然没有回答我. 也许看见这篇文章的人也不相信,但是我真的想问你一句,你为别人流过眼泪么?真真正正的是为别人的,不是可怜自己,不是觉得别人可怜而让自己也感到了可怜,仅仅是为了别人而悲伤,有过么?如果真的有,我想那也许才是爱吧。 也许您会觉得奇怪,这和爱有什么关系?是啊,流眼泪就是爱么?我们因为悲伤而流泪,流泪是因为,爱别离,求不得,这些的主体是什么?是自己。 我们都是爱自己的,只是99%的人是吧。所以我们流泪了,因为我们的那些种种原因,我们很少会因为别人“求不得,爱别离”而流泪吧。也许说,那又不是自己,对呀,你爱自己,你又不爱她,何苦要为她流这种泪? 我不是一个宽容的人,我也不是一个豁达的人,这是我一生的缺点。我们会为了爱去宽容,我们会因为爱而变的豁达,也许,这是因为我从来都没有真正的爱过谁吧,甚至,连自己。嘿,我现在都开始疑惑,我真的爱过你么,如果是,我为什么都没有宽容和豁达呢?