
Land Reform and Housing in China: The Evolution from Struggle to Aspiration



The transformation of land ownership and housing in China since the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949 is a tale of dramatic shifts in policy and public sentiment. The Communist Party of China (CPC), under the leadership of Mao Zedong, embarked on ambitious land reforms aimed at eradicating feudal ownership and redistributing land to the peasantry. This quest to reshape the rural landscape marked the beginning of a series of policies that would profoundly affect the livelihoods of millions and shape the socio-economic fabric of the nation.

As urbanization progressed, the state's control over housing allocation resulted in severe shortages and congestion in cities. The stark contrast between rural deprivation and urban overcrowding underscored the inefficiencies of a centrally planned economy. However, the launch of economic reforms and opening up in the 1980s initiated by Deng Xiaoping set the stage for a radical transformation. The housing sector, once a symbol of state benevolence and control, gradually evolved into a market-driven force, unleashing pent-up demand and spawning what many would term the 'real estate faith'.

This essay examines the CPC's systematic expropriation of private land and the ensuing hardships faced by rural populations, the suffocating congestion of urban housing, and the subsequent liberalization that galvanized the real estate market. In tracing this journey, we will explore how past policies have etched a deep-seated aspiration for homeownership into the Chinese psyche, driven by decades of suppressed desires and the practical benefits linked to housing in the Chinese context.

Historical Background and Land Reform

This section delves into how the Communist Party of China (CPC) implemented various policies to expropriate the land that was promised to peasants before liberation and describes the brutal suppression of rich peasants, landlords, and small business owners, along with the confiscation of their land and private property.

Initial Intentions and Promises of the Communist Party

  • During the Anti-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War, the CPC promised to return land to the peasants, a pledge that garnered widespread support.
  • This promise was rooted in communist ideology, aimed at eliminating exploitation and inequality inherent in the feudal system.

Launch of the Land Reform Movement

  • Following the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the CPC swiftly began implementing land reform.
  • The Land Reform Law of 1950 marked the end of private land ownership, initiating the redistribution of land from landlords and rich peasants to landless or less-landed peasants.

Violence and Persecution

  • The execution of land reform was characterized by extreme and violent measures by the CPC against landlords and rich peasants.
  • Many rich peasants, landlords, and small business owners were labeled as "class enemies," subjected to persecution, imprisonment, and even execution, with their land and properties confiscated.

Collectivization and People's Communes

  • By the mid-1950s, the CPC further advanced agricultural collectivization, establishing cooperatives and people's communes.
  • These policies led to the complete loss of land ownership for peasants, with land becoming state and collective property.
  • Collectivization resulted in a decline in agricultural productivity, severely impacting the livelihood of peasants.

The Great Leap Forward and Famine

  • Under Mao Zedong's leadership, the Great Leap Forward aimed at rapid economic development through collectivization and industrialization but resulted in disastrous consequences.
  • A combination of massive economic mismanagement and natural disasters led to a severe famine, resulting in the deaths of millions.

Consequences of the Policies

  • Although land reform and collectivization were ostensibly aimed at eliminating inequality, they actually caused humanitarian disasters and social upheaval.
  • The implementation of these policies severely disrupted the traditional social structure and economic foundation of rural China, having long-term negative effects on the lives of peasants.

Urban Housing and Population Pressures

The narrative of land reform and rural hardship contrasts sharply with the evolution of urban housing policy during the same period. The state's approach to housing in urban centers reflected its commitment to controlling key aspects of the economy and the lives of its citizens.

State Housing Allocation

  • Urban housing before the reforms was predominantly allocated by the state through work units (danweis), tying housing to employment and ensuring that citizens were dependent on the state for their basic needs.
  • This system led to a chronic shortage of housing, poor living conditions, and a lack of privacy, with multiple families often sharing a single apartment.

The Cultural Revolution's Impact

  • The Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) caused widespread chaos and led to the neglect of urban planning and housing development.
  • The period saw little to no investment in new housing, leading to further deterioration of living conditions in cities.

Economic Reforms and Opening Up

The late 1970s marked the beginning of a new era in China with the introduction of economic reforms under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. These reforms ushered in a period of liberalization that had far-reaching effects on land ownership and housing.

From State Allocation to Market Distribution

  • The shift towards a market economy began to influence housing policies. In the 1980s, the government slowly started to dismantle the work unit system and introduce market mechanisms into real estate.
  • The economic reforms encouraged foreign investment and private enterprise, leading to the development of a nascent real estate market.

Emergence of Private Real Estate Enterprises

  • The 1990s saw the rapid growth of private real estate companies, fueled by foreign investment and domestic savings.
  • The government supported this growth by providing land leases and facilitating the development of a mortgage market.

Real Estate Boom and Social Transformation

The opening up of China's economy not only transformed agricultural and industrial sectors but also had a profound impact on the real estate market. The reform policies of the 1980s and 1990s set the stage for an unprecedented real estate boom that would reshape the social and urban landscape of China.

The Unleashing of Housing Demand

  • As the grip of state control loosened, a pent-up demand for private housing surged. Economic growth and rising incomes enabled more Chinese citizens to aspire to homeownership.
  • The real estate market was further bolstered by a growing middle class and the relaxation of restrictions on urban migration.

The Housing Market Explosion

  • The period from the 1990s to the early 21st century witnessed skyrocketing housing prices, particularly in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen.
  • By the early 2000s, real estate development had become a significant driver of the national economy, contributing to both GDP growth and urbanization.
  • Speculative investment and the perception of housing as a secure asset led to a continuous climb in property values.

Real Estate as a Social Imperative

  • Homeownership became deeply intertwined with social status, financial security, and even marital prospects. The term "naked marriage," referring to couples marrying without owning property, became part of the cultural lexicon, underscoring the societal expectation of property ownership.
  • The concept of "real estate faith" emerged, reflecting the belief in the infallibility of the housing market and the conviction that property prices would perpetually rise.

Housing as a Social Determinant

Housing in China is more than a basic need for shelter; it has become a significant indicator of social identity and entitlement to welfare benefits. The interconnection between property ownership and the Hukou system is crucial in determining an individual's access to a range of social benefits and public services.

Interlinking of Hukou System and Housing

  • The Hukou, or household registration system, has long been used to control population movement in China. Urban Hukou is not just a proof of residence in cities but a ticket to access superior public services.
  • Purchasing property in a city often leads to a change or acquisition of urban Hukou, granting access to better public resources and services, a significant attraction for most families.

Medical Insurance and Pension Benefits

  • Urban Hukou provides access to a more comprehensive medical insurance system. Compared to rural areas, urban medical facilities are more advanced and provide better services.
  • Pension schemes are also tied to the Hukou status, with urban residents enjoying higher standards of pension after retirement.

Avoidance of Deportation and Employment Rights

  • Rural residents living in cities without an urban Hukou face the risk of being sent back to rural areas. Having an urban Hukou or residential rights obtained through property purchase eliminates this instability.
  • Urban Hukou is also linked to more employment opportunities and career prospects. In many industries, particularly in state-owned enterprises and the public sector, urban Hukou is a prerequisite for employment.

Education and Social Mobility

  • Hukou directly impacts educational opportunities for children. Those with urban Hukou have access to better-quality education, including qualified teachers and superior school facilities.
  • Over time, this system has exacerbated social inequality, allowing families with urban Hukou to provide a better starting point for their next generation, thus affecting social mobility.


The evolution of land and housing policies in China from the era of collectivization to the current market-driven paradigm is complex and far-reaching. While the reforms have fueled economic growth and urbanization, they have also created deep-seated societal issues. The overheating of the real estate market and the policies behind it are not just economic phenomena; they are the results of political and social decision-making, which have significantly exacerbated market fluctuations and societal inequality.

Shortsightedness of Policies and Market Issues

  • In pursuit of rapid economic growth, shortsighted policies and lack of foresight failed to anticipate the housing bubble and its potential harm to society.
  • Many of the real estate market issues are largely due to the inappropriate policies and regulatory failures of the leaders, which failed to effectively regulate the market, instead stimulating uncontrolled speculative behaviors.

Exacerbation of Social Injustice

  • The prosperity of the real estate sector has not benefited all, but widened the wealth gap. The difference between urban and rural areas and among different social classes has become more pronounced.
  • The injustice in the real estate market is also reflected in the distribution of social benefits like education, healthcare, and pensions, increasingly tied to property ownership.

China's Unprecedented Crisis

  • Chinese society is currently undergoing an unprecedented crisis, with real estate being a microcosm of this vast crisis. The country's economy is inevitably sliding into an abyss, and every individual living within it is struggling to survive in this turbulent society.

The real estate market in China and the policies surrounding it are symptomatic of broader issues within the country's socio-economic landscape. As China navigates these challenges, the impact of its real estate market continues to be a crucial aspect of its ongoing social and economic narrative.



记得很久以前,不知道是在跟谁发感慨,久到好像是上大学时候的事了。我说,我流过很多眼泪,看电影流眼泪,看小说流眼泪,听别人的故事留言了,听歌的时候流眼泪,晚上一个人的时候独自流眼泪。我似乎是一个是一个太不像男人的男人。可是我又说,这些眼泪都是为自己流的。于是我也问对面那个人,(嗯,我也记不起她是谁了): "你为别人流过眼泪么?",居然没有回答我. 也许看见这篇文章的人也不相信,但是我真的想问你一句,你为别人流过眼泪么?真真正正的是为别人的,不是可怜自己,不是觉得别人可怜而让自己也感到了可怜,仅仅是为了别人而悲伤,有过么?如果真的有,我想那也许才是爱吧。 也许您会觉得奇怪,这和爱有什么关系?是啊,流眼泪就是爱么?我们因为悲伤而流泪,流泪是因为,爱别离,求不得,这些的主体是什么?是自己。 我们都是爱自己的,只是99%的人是吧。所以我们流泪了,因为我们的那些种种原因,我们很少会因为别人“求不得,爱别离”而流泪吧。也许说,那又不是自己,对呀,你爱自己,你又不爱她,何苦要为她流这种泪? 我不是一个宽容的人,我也不是一个豁达的人,这是我一生的缺点。我们会为了爱去宽容,我们会因为爱而变的豁达,也许,这是因为我从来都没有真正的爱过谁吧,甚至,连自己。嘿,我现在都开始疑惑,我真的爱过你么,如果是,我为什么都没有宽容和豁达呢?


谈到这个问题的人很多,讲的也非常详细,但我窃以为大多数人对此都不够重视。在这一点上来讲,国民党堪称楷模,我想台湾能有今日,很大程度上是因为他们最终也没有建立一个可以堪比中国的新闻审查制度。从权利集中的角度来讲,中国共产党并不比任何一个封建王朝差,从执行力度上来讲,那也和历史上最严酷的王朝可以评分秋色。至少,国民党还是讲点道德,尊重文化的。 如果说计划生育阉割了中国人的人口,那么GFW,和新闻出版署以及文化部阉割了中国人的精神。也许乐观的人说我们总可以翻墙,我们总可以通过这样那样的方法来获得信息。但是悲观的我并不这么认为,这种限制创造的是一种环境,是空气,你固然可以戴着口罩,但是你永远无法自由的呼吸,当大家都在这样的空气中活着的时候,戴着口罩的你是会被人另眼相看的。其实群体意识在掌握了所有媒体的政府面前就是一个面团,想怎么捏就怎么捏,本来就是信息不对称的更何况还是受到随意控制的。这是无解的,中国亟待提高公民意识,哲学思想,文化水平,等等,政府做的不过是又一轮的愚民罢了。鲁迅先生为之殚精极虑,奋斗一生的东西,过了一个世纪依然没有什么本质的改变,阿Q在国人里占的比例是在太大了。就好比是我以诚待国人,以心侍之,以身献之,奈何国人谓之以“傻逼”。你却又待何如?这样的文化封锁,信息封锁导致的唯一结果就是,你振臂一呼之时,便是阿Q们结队去看你被看头之日。 其实,中国政府早已脱离了共产主义这个哲学思想了。换句话说,这个哲学思想本身是没什么对错的,只是一旦应用起来就满不是那么回事了,几乎可以说,共产主义的集权必然导致共产主义的被抛弃。

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