


在新疆的这三个月 August 01, 2020 作者:xxxx 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/411037445/answer/1374412085 来源:知乎 武汉兄弟 答案被删 专栏复制了一下 先说身份后回答。毕竟涉及到新疆的问题,总是会有一群莫名其妙的人质疑你的身份和立场。 从刚刚开始7.15的时候的问题,我就准备回答的。陆陆续续总有人劝我,让我不要回答。究其原因给我说的最多的就是“这不是一个讲道理的地方” 我总觉得,我们作为一个马列主义的国家,应该不会有真的完全不讲道理的地方吧。 我是武汉人。做基建设计的。所在集团公司响应国家号召(万亿新疆)17年就一直在新疆了。17-20年,每年在新疆的时间比在武汉还多。17年最严峻的时候,我就在喀什。之后18年以后一直在昌吉州昌吉市,离乌鲁木齐大概也就半个小时车程。 所以,我作为一个武汉人,长期在新疆,我觉得,至少这几年,我对新疆的很多事情还是比较了解的,至少我还是有发言权的。 下面,我尽可能用不带任何感情色彩的客观描述,讲一讲四月份以来,这几个月在新疆的所见所闻。 1.4月8号,武汉解禁,我接触了接近三个月的居家隔离。鉴于新疆三月份就逐渐放开,那边工作需要,领导要求尽快返疆。 2.南航的直达一直在推迟改签,最后逼不得已,从西安中转。去之前,所有信息上报了在昌吉市驻地的社区,社区给予的说法是,如果全部是绿码,并且有7天内的核酸检测阴性报告,就只需要居家观察,不需要隔离。 3.连乘到西安中转,被当地地勤告知,必须从明珠经济舱降舱,到最后几排去坐,因为这是新疆乌鲁木齐地窝堡机场通知的。并且由于是临时降舱,我甚至要补贴差价,哪怕是降舱。 4.飞机的前若干排坐着西安去乌鲁木齐的,飞机的大概后五排,统一安排从湖北各地去乌鲁木齐的。当然,包括武汉,也包括不是武汉的。 5.飞机抵达地窝堡后,有留观组的人员上机登记,后五排的人,挨个登记了所有信息,收取了个人登机牌和身份证,通知需要集中隔离。然后我们就先行下了飞机,被几个救护车拉到了机场边缘。(第一个让我觉得很离谱的事情是,我们和前面从西安出发的人,并没有任何隔离和界限。期间正常派餐,前排的人也正常经过我们后排去上厕所。为什么我们后五排直接拖走了,而前面所有人直接就能放行。这个真的没有任何风险么?) 6.然后,我们就被放在机场的一个角落,等待,等待...

covid english version

一个中国武汉人在2020年8月份去新疆的旅程,中国的防疫政策远超你的想象,政府的蛮横无理,无知,组织的混乱和无效。也许在你们抱怨政府无能的时候,也可以看看这个世界上其他国家在干些什么 The whole story was happened in august 2020, during the pandamic covid 19 in china. this story will tell you how 政府政府的蛮横,无理,和无知。 ======== Next, I will try to describe in a neutral and unemotional way what I have seen and heard in Xinjiang in the months since April. On April 8th, the lockdown in Wuhan was lifted, and I ended nearly three months of home quarantine. Since Xinjiang had gradually reopened in March, and due to work requirements there, my leaders asked me to return to Xinjiang as soon as possible. The direct flight by China Southern Airlines kept getting postponed and rescheduled. Eventually, I had no choice but to transit through Xi'an. Before going, I reported all information to the community in Changji City where I was staying. The community informed me that if all my health codes were green and I had a negative nucleic acid test report from within the last 7 days, I would only ...

youtube script covid

[INTRO - Soft Music Playing] Narrator: "In August 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic in China, I experienced a series of events that revealed the overbearing, unreasonable, and ignorant aspects of government policies. This story unfolds my observations and experiences in Xinjiang since April, presented in a neutral and factual manner." [Scene Transition - Music Shifts to a More Reflective Tone] Narrator: "April 8th marked the end of my nearly three-month-long home quarantine in Wuhan, as the lockdown was finally lifted. With Xinjiang gradually reopening since March, my work required me to return there as soon as possible." [Visuals: Scenes of Empty Streets in Wuhan, Transitioning to Busy Airports] Narrator: "My journey back to Xinjiang was fraught with delays. The direct flight on China Southern Airlines kept getting postponed. Reluctantly, I had to transit through Xi'an. Before leaving, I reported my health status to the community in Changji City, where I ...
I have summarized a total of 10 major events of the year in china, and arranged them in chronological order for a review. Everyone can look at this list and also reminisce on their own. When I was compiling the major events of this year, I found that the situation this year was a bit different. There were just too many heavyweight events this year, and many of them had a huge impact on every ordinary people lived in china. Therefore, this year, the events had to be categorized instead of being listed individually. Without further ado, let's begin this year's review. Youth Unemployment - Labor Issues:  Since the beginning of the year, with the easing of the pandemic, China's youth unemployment rate began to soar. Nobody expected that, after the pandemic was lifted, the economy would perform so poorly. A large number of young people started to struggle to find jobs. According to official figures released by China, the youth unemployment rate reached 19.6% in March and continu...


我去上海以后就收养了两条流浪狗 严格来讲都不是流浪狗 我是从家附近的一座山上捡回来的两条野狗 我都不算救助 他们,因为他们在那个山上的食物链  完全不需要我们的救助 我们只是相当于变形记 带他们来体验一下生活 这两条狗他们确实,在上他们就是处于食物链的顶端 我看到他们的第一时间 我感觉不是看到了两条狗 是动物世界的拍摄现场 这两条狗追一只松鼠像炮弹一样发射出u去 那你平时看到一些狗,你会觉得很萌 心都要被萌化了 你会想到这些词 我看到这两条狗,内心之闪烁出了两句话 作风优良,能打胜仗 非常优秀 我牵着这两条狗在上海的街头威风凛凛 le scatch d'origine:  Après mon arrivée à Shanghai, j'ai adopté deux chiens errants. Pour être précis, ce n'étaient pas vraiment des chiens errants. Je les ai ramassés sur une montagne près de chez moi, deux chiens sauvages en fait. Je ne dirais pas que je les ai sauvés, car dans la chaîne alimentaire de cette montagne, ils n'avaient pas besoin de notre aide. Nous les avons juste amenés pour leur faire expérimenter une autre vie, comme dans une émission de transformation. Ces deux chiens étaient vraiment au sommet de la chaîne alimentaire là-haut. Quand je les ai vus pour la première fois, je n'ai pas vu juste deux chiens, mais plutôt une scène de tournage d'un documentaire sur la vie sauvage. Ces d...
  Hukou System: The Practical Significance and Impact of a Shanghai Hukou" Introduction: Hello, everyone, and welcome to today’s discussion. In this video, we will delve into China's Hukou system, focusing specifically on the practical significance and impact of having a Shanghai Hukou in modern life. Background Introduction: First, let's take a look back at the history of the Hukou system. This system has a long history in China, with similar population registration systems existing even in ancient times. However, the modern Hukou system as we know it was established in the late 1950s, following the establishment of the People's Republic of China and the socialist economic system. In 1958, the Chinese government officially implemented the Hukou system, dividing the population into agricultural (rural) and non-agricultural (urban) households, aimed at effectively managing population movement, particularly controlling rural to urban migration. Government's Purpose...