recently i have problem when i trying to import a large text file(about 80M)into database by Doctrine and symfony2. Well, i always got a "out of memory" exception. After some searching job, i found this: Commands are run in prod env by default but have debug enabled, it's different than the app.php that is prod but where debug is disabled ... So using "php app/console xxx:xxx --no-debug" fixed the leaks because there was no more SQLLogger. An other solution was to use inside my Command: $configuration = $this->em->getConnection()-> getConfiguration(); $configuration->setSQLLogger( null); and the answer is this; Disabling the logger is the only solution. its probably not very useful to have the logger enabled in console aswell, but i dont see an immediate solution to fixing this. You can of course do $em->getconfiguration()-> setSQLLogger(null); in the command So well there is no way to do it in a de...