I got this error when try to login to my system. I searched in internet and find this could be caused by several problems, of cause if your configuration is the following: orm: auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug% default_entity_manager: italy entity_managers: italy: connection: italy mappings: MobMindsCoreBundle: ~ FOSUserBundle: ~ metadata_cache_driver: apc query_cache_driver: apc result_cache_driver: type: memcache host: %memcache_host% port: %memcache_port% instance_class: Memcache class: Doctrine\Common\Cache\MemcacheCache world: connection: world mappings: MobMindsCoreBundle: ~ FOSUserBundle: ~ metadata_cache_driver: apc query_cache_driver: apc result_cache_driver: type: memcache host: %memcache_host%...